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American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

As part of that commitment, the AAP publishes expert advice for parents, caregivers, and patients on Pediatric Patient Education. Information can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and many titles also are available in Spanish.

  • Newborn Hearing Screening and Your Baby

    Before you bring your newborn home from the hospital, your baby needs to have a hearing screening.

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  • Newborn Illness - How To Recognize

    How infections and other serious diseases can present in newborns

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  • Newborn Nasal Congestion - Normal

    Information and guidance on nasal congestion in newborns.

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  • Newborn Rashes

    Common questions asked about normal skin rashes in newborns. Note: Mongolian spots and birthmarks are not covered here.

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  • Newborn Reflexes and Behaviors

    Common questions asked about newborn noises, reflexes and behaviors. These are normal and not signs of illness.

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  • Newborn Skin Care

    Information and guidance on newborn skin care.

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  • Newborn Urine – Pink or Brick Dust Color

    Information and guidance on newborn urine.

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  • Next Stop Adulthood: Tips for Parents

    Parents need to give up much of the control over many of their young adult's decisions. But parents still worry about their child's safety, health, and success. This is where you need to trust the job you have done as a parent.

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  • Norovirus—Child Care and Schools

    A virus that causes diarrhea and vomiting. A leading cause of diarrhea in the United States.

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  • Nose Allergy (Hay Fever)

    An allergic reaction of the nose. Main symptoms are an itchy nose, clear discharge and sneezing.

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  • Nose Foreign Body Removal

    Child put a foreign body (FB) in their nose. The child tells the parent or the parent see a strange object in child’s nose. Your doctor or nurse says it is safe to try to remove it at home. That’s only helpful for small, harmless objects.

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  • Nose Injury

    Injuries to the inside or outside of the nose.

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  • Nose Picking Habit

    Information and guidance on nose picking habit.

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  • Nosebleed

    Bleeding from 1 or both nostrils. Not caused by an injury.

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  • Nursemaid's Elbow

    A pulled elbow (also known as nursemaid’s elbow) is a common, painful injury generally among children under four years old but occasionally older. It occurs when the outer part of the elbow becomes dislocated or slips out of its joint.

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  • Nutrition and Eating Problems—Autism Toolkit

    Eating problems are common in children. In children with ASD, the problems may be more serious and last longer because of problems with taste, texture, or smell. They may be the result of learned behaviors.

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