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American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

As part of that commitment, the AAP publishes expert advice for parents, caregivers, and patients on Pediatric Patient Education. Information can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and many titles also are available in Spanish.

  • Choosing a Pediatrician

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has developed this information about the benefits of choosing a pediatrician, how to choose a pediatrician, and why regular well-child visits are important.

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  • Choosing the Right Size Bicycle for Your Child

    A bicycle of the wrong size may cause your child to lose control and be injured. Any bike must be the correct size for the child for whom it is bought. To keep your child safe, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following:

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  • Circumcision Problems

    A circumcision is the removal of most of the male foreskin. Questions about caring for the normal circumcised penis in a baby boy.

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  • Circumcision: Information for Parents

    Parents have different opinions about newborn circumcision based on medical, religious, cultural, and ethnic traditions, and personal reasons. Some parents choose circumcision. Some parents do not choose circumcision. Parents who are undecided should talk with their child's doctor before their child

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  • Clean Intermittent Catheterization for Boys

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics that will help you understand the basics of clean intermittent catherization (CIC).

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  • Clean Intermittent Catheterization for Girls

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics that will help you understand the basics of clean intermittent catherization (CIC).

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  • Clostridium difficile (Also Called “C diff”)—Child Care and Schools

    A spore- and toxin-forming bacteria that causes diarrhea

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  • Cold Sores (Fever Blisters)

    Sores on the outer lip caused by the herpes virus. Sores tend to recur

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  • Colds (Age 0-5)

    The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. Main symptoms are a runny nose and sore throat.

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  • Colds (Age 6-21)

    The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. Main symptoms are a runny nose and sore throat.

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  • Colds - Frequent but Normal

    Information and guidance on the common cold.

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  • Colds: What You Need to Know

    There is no cure for the common cold because colds are caused by viruses. Antibiotics don’t kill viruses, so they will not make your child’s cold better. But you can help your child feel better until the cold goes away.

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  • Colic (Crying Baby)

    A baby less than 3 months old with excessive crying. Crying is the only symptom and baby is normal when not crying.

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  • Common Childhood Infections

    Most infections are caused by germs called viruses and bacteria. While you may be able to keep germs from spreading, you can't always keep your child from getting sick. It is important for parents to know how to keep their children healthy and what to do when they get sick. Read on to learn more from

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  • Complementary and Integrative Medicine: What Parents Need to Know

    While most children in North America receive conventional medicine when they are sick, many parents want to know about natural therapies too. Alternative, complementary, and integrative medicine and folk remedies are some of the words used to describe these different therapies. Read on for more information.

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  • Concussion

    Information and guidance about concussion.

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